Just Me

Glass Of Orange

Thoughts In A Moment


How many thing's do you think about in 1 minute? For me it can range from 1 to 100 depending on where my mind is at. Sometimes it can be impossible to focus on a single thought for more then a moment. The experience almost makes thing's feel fuzzy. Like I'm watching my own life through a slightly misted window. These moments bring a real disconnect from reality. It can be quite distracting.

They're are ways to help limit this feeling. Ways to pull myself back into the drivers seat, even if it's just for a moment. Writing like this is one of those things. I found a spark of inspiration to take notes of my thoughts so they can't escape me moments after they arrive. I figure they may make an interesting addition to my website and prompt me to look back at them some day. Who knows. Often it will take me ages to write something of this size however this one seems to be flowing pretty effortlessly. I wonder why? All I know is it feels better than letting my thoughts drive around in my head and then running off. Maybe this will also help with my creative writing, not like that is something I ever tried to refine.

I hope I remember.