Just Me

Glass Of Orange


Sometimes I write about whatever is in my head. Ill put it here.


Links to stuff I find cool/ useful.


This game has actually had a resurgence of it 2000's userbase, so iv linked it!


Welcome to my space. My name is Jason and Glass of Orange is the handle I use for most things. After developing this site with the intent of focusing on my music, things have evolved to be much more general. While I still post a lot of music stuff here I often find myself considering adding sections on just about anything that interests me.

With that is mind, I think I will continue to dedicate this site to all things me and see where it goes. Hope you enjoy!

Whats New? - 08/09/2024


After promising for a while, I have finally come back the CASIO PT-80. Initially the plan was to put together a sample library but after my success with decent sampler I have decided to step things up a little. I now want to rebuild this synth in decent sampler in its entirety in order to make it as accessible as possible. The plan is to build multiple DS instruments and publish them on GumRoad in a mix of both sample libraries and instruments. There is just one issue, I will need to record and edit around 1786 samples to get everything how I want it. This is on top of all of the coding and setup involved in publishing. Needless to say it will take a long time to finish. Because of this I think I'm going break it down into multiple smaller releases that will eventually build a pack. That way I can get things out sooner and not overly complicate the instrument UI.

I also plan to realise things in 2 tiers of sorts. One option will be free/ donations and the other will be paid. I want to ensure that everyone has access to all of the samples so sample libraries will always be free. The paid version will include the decent sampler instruments for those who would like a pre built product. As of now I'm not sure what the prices will be.

Site Radio

Here is a cool radio! Nice one KingPoss!

Chat Box

Say Hi! Will be cool to know people are seeing this.

I made a stamp!